Sunday, April 15, 2012


There are three types of volcanoes: active, dormant, and extinct.
Dormant ones fascinate me the most. They are asleep. They are deciding whether to burst or to die. To become active or to become extinct.
To create a massive explosion of lava and cover the earth with ash, or to harden into rock and crumble over time.
You see, what these dormant volcanoes have is potential.
Potential frightens me, truly.
Mostly because it is completely in your control. It is all you have to offer. It is all you have to give, and it's dormant. It's asleep.
You can make your potential come alive or you can let it go.
You can let it burst and spread it through the whole world, or you can let it wither away inside of you.
You are dormant. Will you push yourself to become active, or allow yourself to become extinct?

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