Wednesday, June 23, 2010

TIck, Tock.

Lately I've found that dreaming in my sleep just isn't enough. I let them seep into my day. I close my eyes and suddenly I'm somewhere else, somewhere I want to be. My mind escapes the dull rooms and rapid ways in which we've been taught to move, painting vivid pictures of landscapes and people, with vibrant hues surrounding me. There's something comforting that in these daydreams, it's silent. Completely absent of the haunting ticking of that second hand, running itself in circles. Today alone, I've been to the ocean, the mountains of Colorado, the deserts of Africa, and cruising along the western coast of this suffocating country. I've been in a tent under the stars, warm in those arms, and in a small coffee shop just outside of the city. I've also, sadly, been to New Hampshire. Somehow always awoken by the ticking of that second hand.
I believe dreams are supposed to tell you what you truly want---that welling desire under the distractions of routine, monotonous life. And I believe I've never had a stronger desire to leave this place than right now.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sunshine is fine

It's been a while since I've written, I think I've been thinking about too much lately to focus in on one thing. But I'm done with all these depressing posts and shit. I mean, hell, it's summer. I feel good. The sun is shining and summer beats are blasting wherever I go. There's no need to feel down or focus on petty things. If I've learned anything in the past few months, it's that things turn around. It's that life is only exactly what you make of it. You're stranded at the house all day? Then learn a new song on that guitar. You can't stop thinking about something? Then write it out till it's more true on paper than it is in your head. You feel like you've got something to say? Then shout it 'till your lungs give out. You feel like living? Then stand up and do exactly what you've been dreaming to.
I love the way summer makes you feel like you're invincible. And I am. So as a tribute to the best time of the year, fuck when I feel like I'm in the wrong place, when I can't seem to say what I need to, and when a single night makes my head run in circles.
I guess you could say, in the words of Atmosphere, I'm painting lemons gold.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

This Sunset

The sunset---it's stifled by the clouds and distorted by the rain. I want a sunset that reflects off my eyes, and makes my face glow with hues of orange and yellow. I want a sunset that consumes me. But I'm comforted knowing a sunset that colors the coast exists somewhere on this endless horizon.